We, the uncouth……. It is no news that we humans are the most selfish and the rudest and the baddest living beings on this planet! Humanity isn’t a word that should mean all that is good and kind and compassionate… Humane shouldn’t really convey sympathy and civility….. Why am I being so depressing and sad? Well I saw and heard first-hand how miserable our race can be recently. And I am not even talking about rapes or wars or torture chambers or anything else on that scale. On a day to day basis we bear witness to deeds of unkindness which pinch our soul and more often than not, we just do not react. All around us things are going wrong and we just do not want to get involved because it shall reflect on our career maybe or may drag us willy nilly into some legal mess. So in the words of Mahatma Gandhi are we as guilty as Bheeshma was? Oh I hope not! I hope we can redeem ourselves better than that. Three incidents: A colleague of mine recently was so traumatised when a ...