Sometimes one can make an effort to try and understand people but they make it so damn hard!
You keep making excuses for their behaviour and keep giving them the benefit of the doubt, but maybe they are just not worth it!
So cut them loose!
We just have SO many grey cells and I am sure that they are much better utilized with other stuff!
We can keep obsessing over why people are doing, what they are doing.... And how can they not do it!
But let it be!
Maybe they are just not worth it...
Or could be that you thought them capable of stuff they have absolutely no potential for, so its ultimately your fault.
let them be at peace and you be at peace too.
Remember, all that humans do is directed towards achieving comfort and contentment so let all the barbs go and life is so much better.
So in conclusion the only way to avoid a misunderstanding is to make sure that you understand that some people are so not worth it.
Whew writing here sometimes puts things into perspective for me and I hope that i can follow my own advice now.
God help me!:-)
You keep making excuses for their behaviour and keep giving them the benefit of the doubt, but maybe they are just not worth it!
So cut them loose!
We just have SO many grey cells and I am sure that they are much better utilized with other stuff!
We can keep obsessing over why people are doing, what they are doing.... And how can they not do it!
But let it be!
Maybe they are just not worth it...
Or could be that you thought them capable of stuff they have absolutely no potential for, so its ultimately your fault.
let them be at peace and you be at peace too.
Remember, all that humans do is directed towards achieving comfort and contentment so let all the barbs go and life is so much better.
So in conclusion the only way to avoid a misunderstanding is to make sure that you understand that some people are so not worth it.
Whew writing here sometimes puts things into perspective for me and I hope that i can follow my own advice now.
God help me!:-)