In your life,
I can be an entire book
I can be an epic tome.
I can be a fast paced thriller.
I can be a lurid erotic read.
I can be a courtroom drama.
I can be a soul wrenching saga.
I can be a frothy Mills & Boon.
Tell me your choice and I shall write that.
In your life,
I can be a short story,
It could have a twist in the climax.
It could have a happily ever after.
It could end in a cliff-hanger.
It could end on a bittersweet note.
It could rip out your soul.
Tell me what you want and I shall type it.
In your life,
I can be a chapter in the book of your life.
It could be the best part of the book of your life.
It could be the worst part of the book of your life.
It could be the most well read chapter in the book of your life.
It could be the least visited one in the book of your life.
Tell me how you want it and I shall edit it.
In your life,
I could be a bookmark,
I could be the feather of an exotic bird,
I could be the picture of your dear one,
I could be a nickname scrawled across a stub,
I could mark a favorite chapter,
I could mark a new beginning,
I could mark a point to be avoided.
I could be caressed often,
Or I could be stuffed inside and ignored,
Or I could be thrown away without a care,
Tell me which one should I become.