I had once attended a lecture by Amish Tripathi, and one of the questions that was posed to him at the end was regarding the potion of immortality ( Somras) mentioned in his book - The Immortals of Meluha.
He was asked if why there was no research being done in the field of anti-aging drugs, and I distinctly remember his answer. He said that there was humongous amount of work being done, in countries like France and Switzerland, but that the drugs would be pointless commercially. Simply because even if they did delay the aging process and did promote longevity, how would human beings find the resources to live that long?
It was so true!
I mean if you are planning to live till 100, you better be sure that you can work until you are at least 80!
In the eventuality that one can't work that long and doesn't have the wherewithal to take care of basic needs, it will mean that we rely on state funded care, or then on the charity of well-meaning strangers.
And if none of these are there, then we have to rely on the second generation or even the third generation of our family.
This familial care could be doled out grudgingly or might come with riders. Or in the case of women who were homeworkers, there would be reliance on the employed, moneyed males of the family.
And at best one would be relegated to an Old Age Home.
All said and done, why is there still pursuit of Longevity?
I have never understood it and don't subscribe to it at all.
Longevity doesn't go hand in hand with a healthy, fully functioning human body, if that is not the case, and one continues to age without dying, this longevity will be the equivalent of hell on earth.
I would rather be the first to go, than be the one who receives news of others dying,
I would rather be the one caring for others, rather than being the one who needs to be cared for!
I absolutely hate it when people bless me with a long life.
I would rather be the recipient of blessings that said, " May you never be dependent on anyone else!"
He was asked if why there was no research being done in the field of anti-aging drugs, and I distinctly remember his answer. He said that there was humongous amount of work being done, in countries like France and Switzerland, but that the drugs would be pointless commercially. Simply because even if they did delay the aging process and did promote longevity, how would human beings find the resources to live that long?
It was so true!
I mean if you are planning to live till 100, you better be sure that you can work until you are at least 80!
In the eventuality that one can't work that long and doesn't have the wherewithal to take care of basic needs, it will mean that we rely on state funded care, or then on the charity of well-meaning strangers.
And if none of these are there, then we have to rely on the second generation or even the third generation of our family.
This familial care could be doled out grudgingly or might come with riders. Or in the case of women who were homeworkers, there would be reliance on the employed, moneyed males of the family.
And at best one would be relegated to an Old Age Home.
All said and done, why is there still pursuit of Longevity?
I have never understood it and don't subscribe to it at all.
Longevity doesn't go hand in hand with a healthy, fully functioning human body, if that is not the case, and one continues to age without dying, this longevity will be the equivalent of hell on earth.
I would rather be the first to go, than be the one who receives news of others dying,
I would rather be the one caring for others, rather than being the one who needs to be cared for!
I absolutely hate it when people bless me with a long life.
I would rather be the recipient of blessings that said, " May you never be dependent on anyone else!"