This pain tears me apart
This pain makes me alive
This pain of knowing you love me keeps me afloat
This pain of loving you silently sinks me
This pain of knowing you care for me makes me want to spin
This pain of not being able to care for you makes me want to die
This pain of knowing how much you give up for me keeps me sane
This pain of not being able to reciprocate drives me insane
This pain of knowing how much you ache for me grounds me
This pain of not being able to tell you how much I ache for you drives me wild
This pain of you caressing me centres me
This pain of not being able to touch you destroys me
This pain of you calling me lights me up
This pain of not being able to talk to you crushes me
This pain of you being invested in me makes me a better person
This pain of not being there for you ruins me
This pain that I give you makes me soulless
This pain that I can't share with you makes me lifeless