Lets bear witness to each other's life.
The Good,
The Good,
The Bad,
The Ugly
Let's see it all.
Let's be judgemental
Let's be biased
Let's be hateful
And let's be hated
Let's see it all.
Let's be judgemental
Let's be biased
Let's be hateful
And let's be hated
Let's be enemies
Let's be friends
Let's be strangers
And let's be lovers
Let's hold hands
Let's hit out
Let's hug
And let's kiss
Let's exchange sorrows
Let's exchange happiness
Let's exchange barbs
And let's share
Let's whisper
Let's shout
Let's gesture
But let's never be silent
Let's be angry
Let's be nasty
Let's be sarcastic
Let's encourage
Let's reveal all
Let's hide nothing
Let's camouflage nothing
You be my witness
And I shall be yours