All is well
All will be well
All has to be well.
It has to!
Life is pretty shitty as it is.
So I need to believe this....
All is well,
All will be well.
I can't be a negative Nellie,
I can't insist that nothing will ever work out.
Because I have to believe that it will all end well.
I will meet some rotten apples along the way.
But I shall also meet really good people too.
I will be treated badly by some.
But I know people will also pamper me.
I have to believe that all will be well.
I know some things won't work out the way I want them too.
I also know that some things will fall perfectly into place.
I know that there will be unexpected setbacks.
But I also know that there will be unexpected windfalls.
Just because one happens doesn't mean the other won't.
I have to believe that all will be well.
I will have some good hair days,
And on other days my hair will be a frizzy mess.
On some days all that I order will turn out to be crappy.
And other days will be foodgasmic.
But, nonetheless I will believe that all will be well.
On some days I will fall,
On other days I will fly,
On some days I will stub my toe,
On some days I will have boundless energy.
Whatever happens, I need to believe that all will be well.
On some days the world will seem to be Godless,
On other days angels will be flying over my shoulders,
On some days the sunlight won't be able to light up my world,
On others a tiny lamp will make the universe radiant,
Whichever it is, I know that all will be well.